Dedicated to Preserving and Saving Lives Throughout Idaho
Search and Rescue involves: conducting a search in an effort to locate lost or missing people, rendering aid to the victim, and. evacuating the victim to safety or recovering the body.
As part of the multiple agencies throughout Idaho involved in public safety, Idaho’s sheriffs and their offices work intensively to be Prepared, Excellent, and Ready. Our Search and Rescue (SAR) teams are comprised of Sheriff office staff, outside experts (called upon depending on the situation), and volunteers. Each Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Detail has primary responsibility for all search and rescue missions involving lost or stranded persons within unincorporated areas of the various counties as well as certain jurisdictions the offices serve. Upon request from other agencies, the SAR Detail will respond to any other community, and collaboratively, to other counties within the state under a mutual aid system. The SAR teams also activate during natural disasters such as wildfires, flooding and other catastrophic events. We share resources as needed which include helicopters, rescue boats, mountaineering gear, and many other types of equipment. We also share specialized personnel for special situations such as ski rescue experts, dog tracking units, scuba divers, etc.
SAR members are registered with the respective county sheriffs for Disaster Preparedness as Disaster Service Workers.
The Idaho Sheriffs’ Association provides coordination and training opportunities as well as networking with other entities for mutual work legislatively and situationally.
ISA Search and Rescue Program Forms
Please submit all applications regarding S&R to Sheriff Dave Hansen. You may also contact him at 208-527-8553 if you have any questions.